Being a confident parent

Are you a new parent? One thing that you should remember is in parenthood... no one can give you a perfect formula, a rule book and a 100% guarantee of being a perfect parent. Perfection can only be found in the make-believe world. The only thing new parents have to guide them are their own experience and hand-me-down methods from their own parents and grandparents. But most of the time, those methods are likely to be inappropriate for our modern age. Certain things never change in life, like values, love, responsibilities etc., but most parenting is learned as you go along, from one stage to another.
It is important that you believe in yourself. Believe that you will be a good parent... you know for yourself that you will do anything for your child. So don't be too hard to yourself. Often the desire for perfection in our parenting skills makes us feel insecure, doubt our abilities and keeps us feeling anxious, even when we cannot do anymore. Just be you and do what comes naturally. Every process, from birth to adulthood of your child is a learning process for a parent. You will learn from your child and your child will learn from you. Enjoy the process and the opportunity to nourish, raise and love your child in your own way. Stop comparing yourself to others and your child as well. Let your instinct tell you how its going to be...
Believe me, you'll never go wrong.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

thanks...It helps to know I don't have to be PERFECT mom....