Beax is growing up

Well... my little baby is growing up. I have seen her growing and learning time after time... day after day. She doesn't know how happy I am to have her. She is so precious to me that I can give up everything just to see her happy. My daughters are my strength...the reason why I keep on going. They give me the reason to live, to dream and to pursue more. With Beax around, happiness that I felt when Zea was born... just keep on multiplying. I find it really funny when Beax make face while trying to get my attention. I find it touching when she keeps on practicing to call me mommy. It is always a wonderful feeling for me and I know...will always be. I want to share with you, some of the cute picures of my beloved Beax.

Fears of your child

Do you get surprised when your child esp during the toddler age at some stage asks to sleep in your bed because of the monster, ghost and vampire?  Fear is a perfectly normal part of childhood. even me during my childhood days. For young children, fantasy and reality are not distinct. Unlike adults, children cannot reason with their fear. The task of controlling the fear falls to the parents and guardians. The matter is complicated because what a child finds frightening can be very subjective. Some fears stem from common concerns like thunder, lightning or death; others arise through personal circumstances, trauma and experiences. No single method of control will work on every child for every fear. The problem has solutions, but they can't be addressed without understanding what fear is, and why it occurs.
The important thing is to help the child control the fear, rather than let the fear continue to control the child. The trick is making the fear seem insignificant without disregarding it, approaching it seriously without blowing it out of all proportion.
Don't belittle his fears. Say you understand and that you will help. Say that you will be there for him.Explain that adults get scared too, that fear is normal. Show how you face up to your fears and deal with them.
Change the focus. Distract him, and remove him from the frightening situation. Embrace him tight and make him feel secure.
Remember that at the end of the day, she's just a child. Kissing her forehead to dispel bad thoughts is a tried and tested method, as old and effective as blowing on a minor cut or graze.

Sweet memories

Well, for a mom like me... nothing is more special than the memories of their kids starting from the day that they were born up to the present. I never failed to smile whenever I see pictures of my kids during the early years of their life.
Who would not smile? I have seen and experienced the beauty of being a mom. The changes that it brings to my life, still surprises me. And I know that it is something that will surprise me in the coming years of my life.

Being a mom is never that easy, there are things that I have to give up for their sake, Responsibility bundles in motherhood. When I was young, I fear that I can't take the responsibility of being a mother... I am afraid to let go of my own freedom. But now, when I think back of those days... I feel that I wont exchange my kids for any freedom of being alone. Life has never been this beautiful.

If you are a mother like me... you know what i am talking about. If you are not, then I think it would be very nice, if you would give your mother a kiss for bringing you out in this world. There are lots of reasons to be thankful. Start it from the day that you were born.