Being a confident parent

Are you a new parent? One thing that you should remember is in parenthood... no one can give you a perfect formula, a rule book and a 100% guarantee of being a perfect parent. Perfection can only be found in the make-believe world. The only thing new parents have to guide them are their own experience and hand-me-down methods from their own parents and grandparents. But most of the time, those methods are likely to be inappropriate for our modern age. Certain things never change in life, like values, love, responsibilities etc., but most parenting is learned as you go along, from one stage to another.
It is important that you believe in yourself. Believe that you will be a good parent... you know for yourself that you will do anything for your child. So don't be too hard to yourself. Often the desire for perfection in our parenting skills makes us feel insecure, doubt our abilities and keeps us feeling anxious, even when we cannot do anymore. Just be you and do what comes naturally. Every process, from birth to adulthood of your child is a learning process for a parent. You will learn from your child and your child will learn from you. Enjoy the process and the opportunity to nourish, raise and love your child in your own way. Stop comparing yourself to others and your child as well. Let your instinct tell you how its going to be...
Believe me, you'll never go wrong.

Keeping my kids fit

My eldest daughter is a shy type one. She doesn't enjoy team sports or any of its kind. She doesn't enjoy being in front of the crowd. But she's an active kid when it comes to academic. I want her to stay fit and healthy even without doing too much physical activities. And do some remedies. So, If your kids are like my daughter, Here's what you can do:
  • Provide her healthy foods.
           The most important part of staying fit is to eat healthy. You can work on a menu with them, if they like the food they are eating they will be more likely to stay healthy and not eat the junk food instead.
  •  Exercise together
           You can tell your child to exercise all you want, but the likelihood of them exercising on their own is slim to none, but if you work together then they are more likely to exercise. this is a good opportunity to have a special bonding with your kids too.

Cooking is fun

As a mother, I always want to spend good and quality time with my kids. I enjoy having quality times with them through cooking. Preparing  merienda or dinner with your kids can be a disaster and a  wonderful experience that teaches your kids and gives you a memory to treasure. But you won't exchange it for anything else. :)
I have had some wonderful memories of laughing while cooking with my kids. Although you may think twice of the possible mess, I still urge you to try cooking with your kids. There are benefits that outweigh the mess and possible frustration. One benefit is that a child is more likely to eat what she has a hand in cooking.
Be patient. Knowing you will clean a spill or two and that cooking may take a little bit longer. Convince yourself to be okay. Your kids will one day grow old enough to want nothing to do with the kitchen so enjoy the time you have. 
Make sure you have everything you need out and ready before you start. You do not want to be struggling to find the measuring cup while unbeknown to you... your toddler is adding her own ingredients to the bowl.

Most of all. Enjoy!!!

Special Bonding

It is important that we give our kids the attention they need. Being a mother or parents doesn't end with giving them food or providing them their needs. Our children also need attention, love and time.
Even a few minutes of conversation about their school activities, on how their days went and so on. It is important that you will be a special part of their day.
Me, I see to it that no matter how busy I am from work and daily activities, I still have time for them. I see to it that they will feel my love and presence everyday of their lives. And I want to see how they grow day by day.

Its funny

Its funny and heart warming when you see your child dancing and singing with the other kids... playing and start drawing on her own. This is what I felt when i see my youngest drawing her first man.  A round head, round eyes, round nose, round hands, body and everything.
I know you just can't imagine how it looks like. I'm telling you, it looks like a man though.... just a little bit funny.

We should encourage our children to do things on their own, no matter how it will look like. This would help them build their self confidence and feel good about ourselves. It will also make them feel secured. The way we react with their accomplishment will have a large contribution on how they will see themselves