Help your child develop self confidence

It is important to help your child develop his or her self confidence. Self confidence helps a child achieve the fullest mode of his or her personality. Without self confidence, I child is always lost and always seeking approval of his/her peer and parents, easily influence by other people.
Here are some tips that I can give to help parents help their child develop self confidence.
  • Encourage your child to do things on his own. Do not laugh or criticize over a work done. Let the child feel good on accomplishing a task.
  • Praise your child when he did or accomplish something. Let him feel that she can do more.
  • Let your child realize his weakness and strength. Explain that it is normal that at some point he is not so good. Encourage him to develop his skills and talents.
  • Teach your child to be responsible in everything that he do. Screaming and yelling wont do anything good. This would only bring fear to your child. Instead, make him pay for what he did. if he mess the house, then let him clean the mess. Even if it takes 1 week. Let him realize that there are rewards/consequences for the things that he do.

a new pet?

As a mom, I want my kids to grow up with affection to animals. We have dogs here in our house, cats and fish. My kids loves them. But do you know that my kids have a new friend... I won't call it a pet because I seldom see it. But if by chance it appears to us... my daughter Zea would grab a stick, and put a piece of rice at one end... and feed it. While beax, my youngest would run as far as she could while crying. And then would go back  and look at it, while hiding behind me. Soon she will be joining her sister in feeding it. You wanna know what is it? It is what we call "tuko" or gecko in English. My kids love imitating its sound. Once they hear it, they would imitate it.

The best for the best

As a mother, of course I want to give the best to my kids. I believe I did it when I decided to give them breast milk rather than formula milk. It’s my personal choice. I believe that when it comes to feeding babies there is nothing as good as breast milk.
Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial acts a mother can do for her child. Breast milk is perfectly suited to the baby. Breast milk is the one and only natural and complete nutrition for infants.  It is nature's formula for ensuring the health and quality of life for infants.  Just as importantly, breastfeeding promotes a very special bond between mother and child that only a mother can provide.  It also strengthens the tie between mother and child. Lots of benefits have been proven to pass from mother to child through breast milk.  From antibodies which protect an infant at the exclusive nutrients in mother's milk which have been shown to prevent a number of childhood diseases. Breastfeeding reduce the risk of chronic constipation, colic, and other stomach upsets.
Breastfeeding also give benefits to the breastfeeding mother. It reduces risk of breast, ovarian, cervical, and endometrial cancers. It is free. It will help us save a lot of money from expensive formula milk that is less in nutrition compared to breast milk.
Breast milk is always ready, no time needed to prepare. There are many more benefits… too many to list. From satisfaction of mother and child to the security it brings…benefits that only mother can tell.

Hush more tantrums please

I think this is a familiar word to parents. When a child didn’t get what she likes… it is possible to show tantrums to express her frustration. Of course we know that it’s not right. But at an early age, kids do not understand things like this.  What we have to do is make them realize that it is wrong. Some children throw tantrums and some never do. Luckily, my kids do not. Although I am aware that it is possible. Children throw tantrums as a way of expressing anger and frustration. ( I don’t know who is the founder of tantrums) If the behavior is dealt with incorrectly, the child may learn to use it to manipulate people and to gain attention. So our response towards their tantrums matters. In dealing with tantrums, the ultimate goal is to teach the child acceptable ways of expressing anger and not to suppress them their emotions
What is the right thing to do during child’s tantrums? Give in? Spank her? Yell at her? Leave her?  The thing that we should remember, is to remain firm and calm. Giving in just to stop the child, would likely repeat tantrums in another situation. You’re just teaching her how to manipulate you. Because the child will think that she will get what she want, if she do that.
Spanking and yelling, on the other hand would only make the situation worse. It would make the child hurt, more frustrated and angry.  
The best thing that you can do in times like this, is remain calm. Depending on the situation… you can use different methods in handling your child’s tantrums.
In public places
In public places, if possible, carry the child out of area so you can have more privacy. If you have a car, then that is the best place to take her.  Do not give in, just to stop the child. If you cannot find any private place or you are in a situation that you cannot just go, just ignore your screaming child and give her time to realize that you are not buying her acts. Stay close to her and tell her that people are looking at her because of what she’s doing.  Children, at young age acknowledge the presence of strangers. They seek for security, and more likely would come into your arms. When the child is calm, that is the time to talk to her. Remind her of what she did, everything that she did so she would understand what you are talking about, and tell her that it is wrong. It is not the way to get what she wants, and that it is not the right way to express her emotions.
At home
You can put your child in a safe place, like play pen or crib and leave her alone. Just be sure that the place is safe. Or you can stay beside her, just ignore her as if you are not hearing nor seeing her. Read book or open your computer…whatever you like to do.  This would help her understand that her tantrums are not doing her anything good. When she is calm, talk to her and ask her what she wants. This way, she would realize that talking to you is the best way to get your attention.
It may be long before your child can fully gain self control… and she is counting on you as she is learning.